Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen

Governors' Declaration of Interest 2024-2025

NameInterest Yes/NoRegister Of Pecuniary & Other Interests
Phil  Whittall No  
Caroline Morris No  
Marcus Small Yes Business: Rector of Eardisley Benefic
Susan Brown Yes Supply teacher at Eardisley Primary School
Lucy Blake No  
Angharad Blandford Yes Personal: Parent of child at school
Suzanne Raymond Yes Personal: Parent of child at school
Stewart Debenham Yes Executive Headteacher, Kingsland Primary School
Annabelle Griffiths Yes Teacher at Eardisley Primary School
Chris Malone Yes Business: Family member works for Twinkl
Business: Author of fiction
Michael Browning Yes Personal:  Parent of child at school
Douglas Munford Yes Personal:  Parent of child at school