Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen


We are justifiably proud of all our staff at Eardisley CE Primary School

Our staff are highly qualified and dedicated professionals, committed to providing the highest standard of teaching

For a relatively small school we can offer a surprisingly wide range of specialist skills that benefit our children, both through our core teaching and our teaching assistant staff

In addition to our core staff we ensure we access an even broader range of expertise through long and short-term connection with a range of specialist teachers who provide musical, sporting and academic tuition.
Mr Stewart Debenham

Executive Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Susan Mealand

Head of School

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Designated Teacher for Children who are looked after and previously looked after children

Mrs Jane Ameghino


In School on Fridays

Mr Tom McGill

Oak Class Teacher

Years 5 & 6

Miss Caitlyn Hoskins

Beech Class Teacher

Years 3 & 4

Miss Annabelle Griffiths

Willow Class Teacher

Years 1 & 2

Miss Chloe Pritchard

Rowan Class Teacher

Reception Class

Teaching Assistants
Mrs Jacqui Lewis

Teaching Assistant, Oak Class

Miss Jen Howard

Teaching Assistant, Beech Class

Miss Chantel Compton

Teaching Assistant, Willow Class

Mrs Angela Evans

Teaching Assistant, Rowan Class

Mrs Debbie Morris

SEND Teaching Assistant, Rowan Class

Mrs Kelly Prior

SEND Teaching Assistant, Rowan Class

Miss Jenna Wayne-Smith

SEND Teaching Assistant & Mid Day Supervisor & Forest School Lead

Additional Teaching Staff
Ms Heather Walker

Herefordshire Music Service ‘Wider Opportunities’

Mrs Charlotte Hold

Piano Teacher

Mr Connor Hall

Guitar Teacher

Additional Support Staff
Mrs Penny Amos

School Business Manager

Mrs Juliet Clark

School Administrator

Mrs Julia Bluett

Finance Officer

Mrs Kelly Howard

Security Officer/Cleaner

Mr Merv Higgins


Mid Day Supervisors
Mrs Elaine Plumstead

Senior Mid Day Supervisor

Mrs Ann Preece

Mid Day Supervisor

Mrs Amanda Wyatt

Mid Day Supervisor & School Crossing Patrol

Mrs Emma Bowen

Mid Day Volunteer Helper